Archive of : 2017
111898f5: Saturday, November 25, 2017, 09:11:29 PM in From books

O Soul,
You are the Phoenix
rising up from the ashes of Union.
Why don’t you fly?—
No one knows you on the ground.

33192232: Saturday, November 25, 2017, 12:46:42 PM in Audio

In truth, the mistake is mine,

2719577a: Thursday, November 23, 2017, 05:37:31 PM in From books

When the ocean comes to you as a lover,
marry, at once, quickly,
for God’s sake!

d419656e: Monday, October 23, 2017, 11:16:45 PM in मेरो स्तम्व

It came very slowly through,
While I was thinking,
I smell its smell, once
It remains so sweet, also
I informed about that,

692312da: Sunday, October 08, 2017, 03:59:02 PM in मेरो स्तम्व

हुनत शब्द न हो तर मिलाऊन सोच्न पर्छ,
शब्द न हो, बोल्न त झन समजनु नै पर्दछ,

7b99313: Friday, October 06, 2017, 11:27:55 AM in मेरो स्तम्व
2f94388: Wednesday, October 04, 2017, 08:18:46 PM in मेरो स्तम्व

Fragrance lies in the seed; flower is a form to perfume.
Colors lies in the seed; flower is a form to present.
Beauty lies in the seed; flower is a form to express.

191866de: Friday, September 08, 2017, 10:44:31 AM in मेरो स्तम्व

When a man respect, don’t lose it, 
everybody can’t respect that way,

What’s on mind, I can calculate easily,
I can calculate, the glance describe it,

d7100732: Sunday, August 06, 2017, 12:49:43 AM in From books

Remember what I said. . . .
I said, Don’t leave, for I am your Friend.
In the mirage of this world
        I am the fountain of life.
Even if you leave in anger
        and stay away for a thousand years
You will return to me,
        for I am your goal.

9093679: Saturday, August 05, 2017, 10:51:48 AM in Audio